I started working as a ruminant technician for SC Nutrition on my placement year from Harper Adams University, in August 2016.  I had a great year, meeting farmers, carrying out on farm tests and working on business projects. After my final year at university, I was lucky enough to be offered the job of ruminant nutritionist at SC Nutrition in September 2018.

My love of farming came from helping out on my grandparents beef farm, being able to grow up so close to animals was great. During school I always liked maths so teachers suggested I go into accountancy however this did not fulfil my love for animals and the outdoors… apparently its unacceptable to wear wellies in some offices!!

I decided after A-levels I was going to agricultural college. My hours of practical on farm experience that I needed to allow me to attend Kingston Maurward College lead me to dairy. I was lucky enough that a local farmer and herdsman agreed to have me help milk a lovely herd of pedigree Holsteins. On my first milking, Dad joked that I came out of the parlour covered from head to toe but grinning from ear to ear! (Dung sieving is much less messy!). After this I headed to agricultural college to gain lots of practical experience from working with pigs to welding. The next step was University, much more paperwork based but a great opportunity to meet people from all over the county and from different parts of the industry. Whilst at University I had a holiday job milking on a farm near home, with a great herd where I continued to learn more about dairy. During my second year I applied for a placement job with Steve… and he’s put up with me ever since!
I love being part of the team and getting to see all parts of the business, I have been lucky enough to travel and see farms in America, whilst also training in rationing with their nutritionists. I am grateful my job includes my love of figures, science, the outdoors and cows!