Creating solutions especially for the needs of your herd
Not every dairy farm is the same and there certainly is no one specific blueprint. For some businesses a low input, low output system makes the best use of a particular farm’s strengths, when quite the reverse can be found on a neighbouring dairy located only a short distance away.
For us, the whole process of understanding any herd is to walk the unit with the farmer, appreciating their hopes and dreams for their business and examining the pressures that they, their family and business face.
To achieve this, we work with the farmer and his farming team, formulating a plan to achieve their goals. From this leads a series of recommendations that are monitored over the first 6 months to make sure they are having the desired effect. This may often mean working with the farm vet, farm staff or even the current feed supplier in order to help the herd get the most from the daily effort that is needed on any dairy unit.
See how much you could save with a preliminary survey of your herd and informal chat.
Regular Inspections
Our belief at S C Nutrition Ltd is not to grow the business to such a level where our technicians no longer have the time required to do their job. Time that is vital if we are ever to fully understand the pressures on those individual businesses. To achieve this we limit our team members to the number of clients they are expected to work with.
Our client focused approach allows us to give each farm a monthly visit, which is followed up by documented analysis of what was observed on that day. This formal approach allows us to keep all members of the farm’s management team fully involved. Allowing all partners of a dairy to participate in any decisions that need to be made.
We are part of the team
On any dairy unit there is a team carrying out many of the routine tasks. People such as the vet, AI technician, foot trimmers, herdsman and nutritionist, all of whom have a part in running a successful dairy farm.
We at S C Nutrition Ltd view it as vital, to be part of that team, having periodic meetings both formal and informal to achieve the aims of our client’s business. It is this co-operative approach, engaging with all the members of our customer’s venture that allows us to make full use of all the knowledge found.
Structured Approach
To achieve our client’s goals and therefore their business objectives, we use a structured analytical approach. This includes analysis of the ration going into the cow and the material that comes out of her at the other end! After all:
Profit = Income – Cost,
in the cow that equates to
Milk Produced = Food In – Manure Out
What nutrition the cow ultimately utilises is what allows her to perform. For us to grasp how she accomplishes this, we need to appreciate how her ration is being used, hence our emphasis on ration and manure analysis.
Saving Money
In dairy cow nutrition, lowering feed costs, often means reducing nutritional input costs without fully contemplating the short and long term consequences of those decisions. We believe there are other ways to reduce this large variable expense, such as correct ration balancing with the on-farm forages available. This allow us to challenge our herds and increase the amount of home-grown forage used in the herd’s ration. By measuring and thus maximizing Cow Dry Matter Intake we can fully exploit this strategy allowing us to make substantial savings for our clients business.
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